There are three main entry points to join Bloxham School at age 11, 13 and 16; however, we welcome students at other stages if there are spaces available.
Entry requirements
11+ Entry to Lower School (Exham House)
Pupils registered to join Bloxham’s First Form, at 11, will be invited to an assessment day in November before their year of entry. During the process, each candidate will have an interview with a member of staff and sit English, maths and verbal reasoning papers. We try to make the day as informal as possible, with distracting activities and lots of refreshment breaks to help the children relax and enjoy themselves. Offers of places are made based upon performance across the day. There are approximately 50 spaces available in First Form and these spaces are for pupils who would normally transfer from their primary school or equivalent on completion of Year 6.
Specimen papers are available from our Admissions Team.
Academic, Art, Design and Technology, Drama and Music scholarships are offered at 11. More information regarding the scholarship application process is available here.
13+ Entry into Third Form
Pupils registered to join Bloxham’s Third Form, at 13, will be required to take a pre-test. The pre-test (for which Bloxham uses the ISEB Common Pre-test) will be taken at the candidate’s current school, or at Bloxham School if preferred, in the first term of Year 7. Providing the candidate’s overall score, when taken as a combination of performance in the four tested areas (verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning, maths and English) reaches the benchmark standard, they will be invited to attend Bloxham’s Assessment Morning.
The Assessment Morning takes place in November whilst the candidate is in Year 7, and will comprise an interview and a group exercise. Performance on the day will be scored to standard criteria and considered alongside a report from the candidate’s current school with each of the three elements – interview, group exercise and school report – considered equally. Places are offered following the Assessment Day.
A further assessment process may be held in May of that year (when the candidate is in Year 7), and/or in the first term of the following year (when the candidate is in Year 8), if space allows.
Academic, Art, Design and Technology, Drama, Music and Sport scholarships are offered at 13+. More information regarding the scholarship application process is available here.
We welcome applications for full boarding and flexi-boarding with approximately 50 spaces available in Third Form for external candidates. We also accept applications for our day house subject to availability of places. Pupils mainly join us from UK-based prep schools and from overseas.
16+ Entry into Sixth Form
Provided there is space, we welcome applications from students wishing to join our Sixth Form at 16. Candidates are required to complete an application form and to attend an interview with the Headmaster of another senior member of staff, following which we can make a provisional offer of a place.
Places are confirmed following satisfactory performance in the GCSE exams. We would normally expect students to achieve a minimum of six GCSEs, including maths and English, at grades 9 to 5 (or grade equivalent). Students should achieve a grade 6 or above in those subjects they wish to take at A Level (and a grade 7, if studying maths and the sciences). For subjects with no associated GCSE, the grades achieved in other subjects will be taken into consideration. Entry onto A Level courses will be at the discretion of the Deputy Head, Curriculum.
Academic, Art, Design and Technology, Drama, Music and Sport scholarships are offered at 16+. More information regarding the scholarship application process is available here.
late applications for 2025 entry
Parents interested in pursuing a late application for 11+, 13+ or 16+ 2025 or 13+ 2026 entry should contact the Admissions Office in the first instance.
A private visit and interview will be arranged if a space is available. Parents are also asked to provide a copy of their child’s last school report detailing cognitive assessment test scores, or for Sixth Form entry, predicted GCSE grades.
16+ 2025 Interview dates take place throughout the Summer term – please contact Admissions for further information.
If applying for 11+ or 13+ entry, pupils who are unable to provide cognitive assessment test scores (CAT4) in their child’s report will be invited to Bloxham to sit papers in Maths, English and Verbal Reasoning in the Lent term prior to entry. Late assessment days for 11+ and 13+ will run on Friday 14th March 2025, 23rd April 2025, 14th May 2025.
Click here to download our registration form.