We have a full range of policies covering all aspects of our educational provision which are regularly reviewed and updated, and are available to download below.

Bloxham is inspected by the Independent Schools’ Inspectorate (ISI). Our last full inspection was in March 2024. We also had two short visits in 2023 – February 2023, Material Change Inspection and June 2023, Additional Inspection Report. All inspections can be viewed on the ISI website.

We take child protection very seriously. All staff receive training in safeguarding children and are expected to be familiar with the key parts of our Safeguarding Policy.

Whilst we strive to meet the reasonable expectations of all parents and pupils, we know that we do not always get it right and we welcome constructive comments. If you are a parent and have any concerns, these are best addressed in the first instance to the relevant member of staff or, if that is not appropriate, to a member of our Senior Leadership Team. We have an established Complaints Policy if you feel the need to pursue a more formal complaint. It is within parents’ right to be able to request the number of complaints registered during the preceding school year. Should you wish to do so, please contact Julie Morris. Should you wish to contact our Chair of Governors, Lis Lewis-Jones, please do so via the Bursar, Clerk to the Governors.

Hard copies of the school policies and our latest exam results are available from the school office – if you are a prospective family and would like to view these, please contact our Admissions team.

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