Senior Leadership Team

To contact a member of our Senior Leadership Team, please click on the envelope next to the staff member's name. Please scroll down for a full list of all Bloxham School staff and Governors

Mr Paul Sanderson Headmaster Biology email icon
Mr Matt Buckland Deputy Head (Curriculum) Geography email icon
Mrs Louise Ladds Deputy Head (Pastoral) email icon
Mr Matt Bull Deputy Head (External Communications); Seymour Housemaster email icon
Mrs Jacqui Skevington Assistant Head (Student Welfare & Pastoral Care); School DSL email icon
Mrs Jane Cochran Assistant Head (Staff and Wellbeing) Modern Foreign Languages email icon
Mr David Ramm Bursar email icon

Full staff list

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Name Position Department Email
Mr Paul White Head Groundsman Estates Support Staff
Mrs Harriet Woodward Stonehill Housemistress; Teacher of Mathematics Mathematics Stonehill
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