
The PE department have begun a new initiative to encourage all students during their participation in Core PE.

Mr Ford, PE Teacher, went into further detail:

The reason behind the scheme is to give some credit to Core PE students who maybe don’t get much recognition through the focus sports. My aim is to give praise to students who, through the medium of core PE, have shown determination, a desire to learn and a willingness to pass on what they have learnt to their peers around them.

Through the Core PE programme, pupils have had exposure to swimming, functional movement, cross country and strength and conditioning (S+C). The following are the representatives that were selected for their effort during the Michaelmas Term.

  • Bea was the representative selected for Exham. Bea displayed fabulous enthusiasm during functional movement and cross-country sessions.
  • Layla was the representative selected from Third Form. Layla displayed fantastic desire to develop her swimming and showed improvement in her fitness testing results as part of an S+C block.
  • Rachael and Maxwell were the representatives selected from Fifth Form. They both displayed an ability to inspire other students to partake in physical activity through the development of a strong S+C programme which they wrote themselves.

Congratulations to these students who should all be proud of their contributions in the Core PE programme and the wider Bloxham community.