
Bloxham School is delighted to be shortlisted for the Performing Arts category in the Independent Schools of the Year Awards 2020.

The awards were launched in 2018 to highlight the excellence of the student experience in independent schools. The Performing Arts category specifically looks at the impact that participation in the performing arts has on students throughout the school both through the breadth of opportunity and the achievements of its students.

Our submission for Music highlighted the ensemble opportunities available to all students from Concert Band, String Orchestra, Jazz Band, Orchestra and Chapel Choir, of which saw the students perform in leading European venues, including the Vatican, during the 2019 Chapel Choir tour to Rome. Bloxham School has students who are passionate about music with 20% of our GCSE students studying the subject. Regular visits from professional musicians broaden students’ musical experiences and perceptions, from adjudicating competitions to performances to the whole school during assemblies and Chapel services or delivering group workshops.

To Drama, where in November 2019, our Director of Drama and Productions Director collaborated with students to devise the original production, Defectors; a production short-listed for the National Student Drama Festival alongside university productions. The entirety of our First and Second Form cohort take part in group LAMDA examinations enhancing their exposure to theatrical texts and their collaborative skill. At a time where Drama entries have decreased by one quarter nationally, our GCSE Drama cohorts make up 30% of the year group. Examination work is created in the image of cutting-edge contemporary theatre.

Director of Music, Mr Alex Redpath had this to say, “We are thrilled to have been shortlisted for the performing arts award. Bloxham School provides an inclusive and challenging experience where everyone can access the positive power of the arts whilst developing key skills and creating life-long memories. This recognition is a testament to the hard work and dedication show by staff and students alike.

The judges will meet again in late September to select the winners in each category and will make their announcement in October. For more information on the Independent Schools of the Year please click here.