
Bloxham School have sponsored children around the world since 2002 when we sponsored four children through the CompassionUK charity, whose slogan is ‘releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name’.

This charity works through the local church to reach out to families and communities of any beliefs in the poorest areas of the world through individual children. ‘We now sponsor eight children in Africa, the Far East and the Caribbean. We write regularly to each child and receive letters from them and from their project leaders.

Our sponsorship enables each child to attend school to their highest level, have medical check-ups and nutritional support, vocational training, be nurtured by their local church family and have a one-to-one relationship with us as sponsor. There is also support for community projects and the children’s families.

It is a huge encouragement to have Bloxham students demonstrating their support by contributing to a non-uniform day each term and writing letters occasionally. Thank you to everyone who has sponsored over the course of this year.