
On Tuesday, students took part in the annual inter-house cross country competition.

The juniors got underway before lunch, and did a fantastic job with very close results. Well done to Simon D (Eg) who managed to break the school record and take the title in 17.09 minutes!

Junior Boys:

  1. Seymour
  2. Wilson
  3. Egerton
  4. Crake

Junior Girls:

  1. Wilberforce
  2. Raymond

With the sun shining, the seniors took to the track after lunch. It was a well-fought competition, but Seymour took the title – as well as placing 1st, 2nd and 3rd across the line!

Senior Boys:

  1. Seymour
  2. Egerton
  3. Wilson
  4. Crake

Senior Girls:

To be decided once individual results are recorded.

2018 marks the centenary of the House Cross Country. The very first House Run was held on Wednesday 27th March 1918, with Wilberforce winning the cup ahead of Headmaster’s (now Wilson) with Crake third – Bloxham had only had houses since 1916. The route took the 93 competitors up over Hobb Hill, along the Broughton Road and back to school along the Banbury Road, ending with one circuit of the athletics track which in those days ran around Main Field. The finishing line was just after the school hospital (Palmer). Only the first 15 runners in each house counted for the competition.

Well done to all runners who took part this year; and a big thank you to all staff that helped to officiate in the very cold conditions. To view photos, please click here.