
A wonderful team of committed Christians gathered in the Small Dining Room yesterday morning to deliver two lessons on the ‘reliability of the Bible gospels’, as part of our Lent Address Day, titled, ‘Uncover’.

The team, led by Pete Alston, consisted of seven young men and women from Lymington Rushmore Holidays and four Pastoral Assistants from Kingham Hill School. Alex Hudson, who has been coming into school every Wednesday to support Fish Skool (lunchtime Bible study with Exham students) and our Christian Union (4pm Bible study for the senior school), led us through some of the historical and documentary evidence.

In lesson 2, the First Form had plenty of small-group discussions and were encouraged by Alex to consider what the reliability of the gospels says about who Jesus claimed to be; lesson 3 followed a similar outline for the Second Form; Lesson 4 was a competitive sports quiz for the Fourth Form. At half-time, Frankie interviewed Ellie about her views on Christianity, discussing what it was like to be a 15 year old at her school and how she had later become a Christian. At lunchtime, Pete gave an evangelistic talk on Luke 15, with a very encouraging interactive Q&A afterwards. Then, in lesson 5, the Third Form competed in teams in the Dewey in a strategy game before being informed about the Lymington Rushmore summer camps. The day’s events finished with Pete preaching in senior Chapel from 1 Corinthians 15. We look forward to hearing from him again in junior Chapel this evening.

It proved an engaging and interesting day for all students involved, challenging them to consider finding out more to ‘uncover’ Jesus. The opportunity to see and chat with young Christians was greatly appreciated, whilst those who regularly attend the Wednesday groups were hugely encouraged. Our thanks and prayers go to the wonderful team of leaders who led and supported the whole day of mission, and to Mr Moir for this report.