
On Friday 6th October, Bloxham art scholars joined the Sixth Form art and photography students on a visit to the Royal Academy in London.

Fourth Form art scholar, Izzy Chamberlain, reports; ‘This was a really amazing opportunity especially as many of the pieces we saw were from private collections. The first exhibition we went to see was Jasper John’s ‘Something Resembling the Truth’. We explored the exhibition making notes and sketching out a few of our favourites. I personally liked ‘Racing Thoughts’ and ‘Periscope (Heart Crane)’. It was interesting to see a new style of art, and I was particularly curious in using encaustics (using wax to paint). There were many different forms of art on display, for example there were paintings, installation pieces, sculptures and a few which featured parts of a mannequin. We were in the exhibition for around 2 hours which gave us plenty of time to refine our sketches and to make the most of the experience before moving on to the second exhibition which was Matisse. This exhibition was slightly smaller but I still enjoyed it greatly. There was another large range of media in the exhibition, with objects that appeared in his paintings, black ink drawings, still life paintings, a photograph of Matisse alongside artefacts and his famous cut-out still life paintings. It was especially interesting to see a different style of Matisse other than just his classic cut-out paintings.’

A fantastic opportunity for our students. Thank you to everyone who contributed in making this such an interesting and enjoyable trip.