
On Sunday, 11th June, the Awards Ceremony for the Deddington Festival Writing Competition was held in Deddington Church in which several students from Bloxham School were shortlisted in the Key Stage 3 poetry and short story categories.

The judges were published authors from the area.

Third Form student, Isabelle C, won first prize in the short story category, and the judges commented that the opening paragraph had one of the most powerful descriptions of a smile that they had ever read. Then they surprised the audience by announcing that they had decided to award an additional prize to another Third Form student, Robert F, for the original use of form and structure in his story. Both were presented with book vouchers, and excerpts from their stories were read out at the ceremony.

The other shortlisted students from Bloxham were Felix M, Ana D and Estelle H from First Form, Cameron S from Second Form, and Charlie Y, Murray D and Isobel S from Third Form. All received certificates and feedback from the judges, and their stories or poems were published in a special book to mark the occasion.

Well done to everyone involved!