
Second Form fives players had a tough day at the U13 National Fives Championships, playing against some of the country’s best players!

Bloxham at the 2017 National Championships

Half a dozen Fives players from Bloxham’s Second Form spent an exhausting but rewarding day at St Paul’s School at the weekend. The Under 13 National Championships gave them the opportunity to match themselves against some of the country’s leading players, from schools such as Alleyn’s, Merchant Taylors’ and St Paul’s, and all came away with some good wins. None of the boys progressed from their pool, but Jonny S and Seb H each had three good singles wins, while Cameron S pulled off a great fightback to win 11-10 against an opponent from St Paul’s, having been 10-5 down at one stage. The Bloxham first pair of Seb and Jonny reached the quarter finals of the Cup competition after defeating a pair from Blundell’s in the 2nd round, and were fortunate to receive invaluable advice from a legend of the game, 3 time World Singles and Doubles Champion and 23 time National Singles Champion Wayne Enstone. They then let the occasion get the better of them in a disappointing display against a pair from Alleyn’s, the strongest school at the tournament. Cameron and Hamish R progressed to the Plate quarter finals, with a good win over another Blundell’s pair, as did Will H and Sam B, thanks to an impressive victory against a pair from Derby Moor.
The boys played with great commitment all day, and it was heartening that several observers who had seen them playing in January at Winchester commented on their marked improvement in the interim. We are grateful to those parents who came to support, and to Mr Matthew for his driving of the minibus and expert coaching. I look forward to seeing this group of players build on this invaluable experience in future seasons.

Simon Batten