
We are delighted to formally announce the list of Bloxham School Captains and Prefects who have been selected for academic year 2016-17

We are delighted to formally announce the list of Bloxham School Captains and Prefects who have been selected for the 2016-17’academic year.

Congratulations to all those who have been selected for these positions, which play a pivotal role in the life of the school. No doubt each of our Captains and Prefects will do a sterling job of representing the rest of the student body through providing feedback to staff and setting a good example to their peers.

Head Boy – Jack R ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘Head Girl – Annabel G


Annabel and Jack, our new School Captains, kindly provided a few lines on what they’re most excited for in their new roles. ‘Annabel explained:

“I am really looking forward to working alongside Jack this year. It is an honour to have been chosen and we are both excited to tackle the challenges and responsibilities that this coming year will present. The role provides a fantastic opportunity to improve our teamwork and leadership skills, which we can take forward and apply on leaving Bloxham.”

Jack supported Annabel’s sentiments in his own statement, saying:’

‘I admire the work of Louisa and Hugh as they have set a high standard throughout this year, which Annabel and I will aim to maintain and hopefully build upon over the course of next year. I hope to act as a representative of the student body’s views and opinions and feel privileged to have the been given the opportunity to gain the skills and experiences that come with being a School Captain.’

The names of our newly elected House Captains and School Prefects are given below, including their particular Prefect role where applicable.’

House Captains

Crake Captain – Nick v S – Marketing Prefect
Egerton Captain – Jack B’
Raymond Captain – Ellie J – Exham Prefect
Seymour Captain – Roland S’
Wilberforce Captain – Livvy W – Exham Prefect
Wilson Captain – Fraser S – Exham Prefect


Georgia M – Sixth Form Prefect
Alice G – Third Form Prefect
India W – Welcome and Careers Prefect
Ellie W – Fourth and Fifth Form Prefect
Charlotte B – Marketing Prefect
Georgie P – Welcome and Careers Prefect
Tom E – Third Form Prefect
Jonty R – R – Sixth Form Prefect
Kit M – Fourth and Fifth Form Prefect

School Sacristans

Eleanor M – Charity Prefect
Ben K – Charity Prefect