
Bloxham School played host to the K’rcher Accumulator Challenge awards ceremony on Monday evening

What is the K’rcher Accumulator Challenge?:

Katharine House Hospice, in partnership with K’rcher UK Limited, invite local businesses, schools and colleges to take part in their second K’rcher Accumulator Challenge! And so the Social Enterprise Group was set up at Bloxham. We were given a £50 start-up fund and were challenged to find interesting and innovative ways to turn this into as much profit as possible, all of which was donated to Katharine House Hospice to help support work caring for local patients and their families. The skills that our students learnt were; team-building, creativity, time management, selling, marketing and hard work! Bloxham students raised almost ‘200 by selling cakes and handmade Valentines and Christmas cards.

Fouth Former Hannah described the experience – ‘We had a great time creating and making the cards, raising money for a special cause is very rewarding. We are already thinking about ideas for next year.’

The results:

Below are the teams that entered and their totals raised. Congratulations to each of them on their sterling work:

Banbury and Bicester College L2 Business ‘ ‘772.53
Banbury and Bicester College L3 Business Group – ‘1,911.93
Kineton High School – ‘2,450.96
Bloxham School – ‘169.04
A-Plan Insurance – ‘257.86
K’rcher – ‘1,028.88
DHL – ‘2,277
Hanwell Fields School – ‘201.80

A big thank you to all the schools and local businesses that took part. The teams in total managed to raise an incredible ‘8,329.75, which we are looking to round this to ‘10,000. Further thanks must also go to the Mayor of Banbury, Councellor Tony Mepham, for attending the awards ceremony, further highlighting how well all teams did.

The event really highlights the importance of the Katharine House within our community, and the important role that the charity performs. Many thanks to go those staff members at K’rcher and Katharine House Hospice who put so much time and effort into making this exciting challenge such a success.

Team awards:

Most creative schools entry:
Winner ‘ Bloxham School. They did a fantastic job baking and selling cakes, as well as hand making Christmas cards.

Most funds raised by a school:
Winner – Kineton High School. They raised an astonishing ‘2,450.96 at their Christmas Craft Fair

Most creative Sixth Form/ college entry:
Winner ‘ Banbury and Bicester College L2 Business Group. A fantastic five-a-side inter Schools Tournament, a sponsored walk and a gaming night!

Most revenue generated by a Sixth Form/ college:
Winner – Banbury & Bicester College L3 Business Group. Raising a fantastic ‘1,911.93 at their events such as a Skip-a-thon and movie night.

Most creative business entry:
Winner ‘ K’rcher UK. Had the innovative idea to cook and provide lunches for staff. These included chilli con carne and jacket potatoes.