
Yesterday, Bloxham School’s Fourth Form enjoyed an afternoon of interactive puzzles, showing how patterns can help predict outcomes

Thank you to Fourth Form’s Ben Parker, James Lockhart, Petr Kraus, Jonty Richmond-Watson, Archie MacColl, Max Douglas, Sam Lowe and Henry Hopkins for their report below:

On Tuesday 2nd December, Bloxham School welcomed three second year Maths students from Oxford University, who came to speak to our Fourth Form on the topic of winning. They talked to us about how to win the lottery, Monopoly and several other games. Their talk was very stimulating and helped each of us to see how mathematics, especially patterns, can be used to develop winning strategies when things appear completely random. We learned some sneaky tips about how to win using the magical powers of maths.

All the Fourth Formers thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon as it was highly interactive throughout. (…and we all now know how to beat our parents at Monopoly this Christmas! AND how to beat our teacher and be the best at rock paper scissors!)

Thank you to our three visitors, who showed our Fourth Form how much fun maths can be.