
Today, Bloxham School was delighted to welcome back its Year 11 students to collect their GCSE results

Following last week’s positive A Level news, Bloxham School is celebrating once again, having achieved a strong set of results in the GCSE exams.

With a very high pass rate, many students exceeded expectations and a number achieved at least 10 A grades. Ellie achieved an amazing nine A*s and two As, while Alex secured eight A*s and three As, and India received seven A*s and four As.

2015 has been a successful year for the school, which recorded an outstanding 100 per cent A Level pass rate and secured places for two students to study at Cambridge University.

Headmaster Paul Sanderson said: ‘I am incredibly pleased with this year’s GCSE results. Our students have worked extremely hard and thoroughly deserve their success. I am looking forward to welcoming them back to join our Sixth Form in a few weeks’ time.

Click here to see an album of photos from the morning on the Bloxham School Flickr page.