
OB Delivers Inspirational Assembly on Volunteering in Nigeria

Today we were delighted to welcome former Head Girl, Emma Glanvill (Wf 07-14) back to Bloxham.

Emma delivered an inspirational talk during the whole school assembly, focusing on her recent volunteering experience in a remote and rural community in Nigeria. She spoke about her three months placement with the International Citizen Service and VSO, funded by the UK government, designed for changemakers who want to contribute to long-term sustainable projects in partnership with other volunteers and members of the community.

Describing the incredible community, beautiful sunsets, often challenging conditions, teaching classes with 150 pupils, the colourful hustling and bustling markets, as well as the huge African dancing culture, Emma gave students an insight into how her incredible time and experiences at Bloxham had taught her to embrace new opportunities and how motivational skills learnt at school had been invaluable in adapting to (and working with) different ages and cultures.

Emma advised students to make the most of volunteering opportunities, in all forms, and saying how they had been invaluable for her personal and career development.

On her recent experience, Emma summarised: ‘Volunteering in Nigeria was one of the best experiences of my life, and I would do it again in a heartbeat.’