
The sun shone on Bloxham School yesterday, Sunday 18th November, for All Saints’ Tide, the annual Old Bloxhamist day of celebrating the founding of the school in 1860. We were delighted to welcome back over 100 guests over the course of the day for the occasion.

Reverend Duncan Weaver, the school’s Chaplain, led a poignant service of reflection on Remembrance. The congregation was deeply moved by stories of five Old Bloxhamists whose lives were lost in the First World War, including Captain Philip Davy MC. Philip was a pupil between 1906-1911; he appeared in productions every year and was a prefect in his final year. He joined the army as soon as war broke out and had a distinguished careers in the Rifle Brigade and was awarded the Military Cross. Just seven days before the war ended, he was fatally shot. His mother received the telegram informing her of Phillip’s death a week later, on Armistice Day, as all those around her were celebrating the end of war.

The congregation moved outside to the garden of Remembrance where John Badger (Eg 64-69) laid a wreath in remembrance of the 80 Old Bloxhamists who died in the First World War and dedicated a new tree, planted in their honour. A prayer was said: ‘Almighty God, we thank you for the beauty and tranquility of this place. For a sense of calm and timelessness that is evoked by the lawn, the flowers and the trees. We thank you for the many staff and pupils down the years who have walked along this path, and felt a sense of belonging, a sense of peace, a sense of something bigger than themselves. We thank you particularly on this day for all those who gave their lives in the First World War, for their willingness to serve, for their selflessness, for their courage and their bravery. We thank you for this opportunity to plan this tree in their memory to honour their service to their fellow man.’

After the service, coffees were enjoyed in the Egerton Library as OBs enjoyed the chance to catch up with one another. Members of the 200 Club then met for their bi-annual lunch.

The next activity on the day’s programme was an exciting hockey match as Bloxham School’s 1st’XI girls hockey team took on a strong Old Bloxhamist side. Push back came at 2pm and captained by Lauren Thomas (Wf 12-18), the OBs put forward a great team of young OBs who had all played 1st team hockey over the last six years and many of whom are now playing for their universities or local clubs. The standard of hockey was high with great passing on both sides, resulting in many goal-scoring opportunities. As the final whistle was blown, the Old Bloxhamists were victorious 3-1, with great OB goals from Lyndsey White (Ry 09-16) and Cat Belcher (Wf 12-18). Richard Hobley, Head of Hockey, thanked the players, spectators and umpires, graduate sports coach Luke Hansford and Fifth Form student Sam C, who did a marvellous job. Each team then awarded each other with a Players’ Player trophy. Congratulations to Lauren Thomas and Sixth Form student Lily W. Following a delicious match tea, Old Bloxhamists continued the celebrations in The Ele. You can view photos from the match, here.

All Saints’ Tide 2018 was a fantastic day and as always, reunites Old Bloxhamists, spanning from those who left in the 1940s right through to 2018 leavers. Thank you to everyone who supported the event.